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Several Minnesota energy companies are proposing to build new transmission projects in the Upper Midwest to improve electric reliability, reduce transmission congestion, and increase access to renewable energy in the region. Otter Tail Power Company and Missouri River Energy Services are proposing a new 345-kilovolt transmission line between Otter Tail Power’s Big Stone South Substation in South Dakota and a Missouri River Energy Services substation in Alexandria, Minnesota. This transmission line will play a key role in transporting energy across the region. It will be several years before this new line can deliver reliable and resilient electricity. We’ll start by preparing applications to the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission for a Certificate of Need and a Route Permit. We plan to submit the Certificate of Need and the Alexandria to Big Oaks Route Permit in late summer 2023 and the Big Stone South to Alexandria Route Permit in fall 2024. These submissions will kick off a 12- to 15-month public review process led by the Commission. We’re currently targeting an in-service date of late 2030. We can’t do this alone, so we’ll be providing numerous opportunities for residents and stakeholders to provide feedback on the project.

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