Pioneer Power, Inc. 44th Annual "The good old Days & Threshin Show" AUGUST 4&5,2018 Admission: Daily $6.00 12& Under Free* Must be accompanied by Adult Handicap Accessible Gates open 8:00 am until 500p.m Hanley Falls, Minnesota 100h Anniversary of John Deere Tractors JOHN DEERE Featuring All Things John Deere All makes and models of tractors and gas engines welcome Demonstrations Fri, August 3 5:00 p.m Tractor Drive Sat. and Sun.. Parade 1:30 p.m Corn Shelling Silage Cutter Minature Saw Mill Expo Building with Displays Craft Show &Flea Market Sawmill Shingle Maker Threshing Lathe Mill Antique Vehicle Display Handmade Qui Display Wood Planner Blacksmith Shop Rope Making Sat. 4:00 p.m Antique Tractor Pull Pre 1960 Gas & Diesel Engine Displays PTO Dyno-Test HP Sun. 8:30 a.m.. Sun. Worship Service For The Kids Sun. 10 a.m. Pedal Tractor Pull For kids 5 years -12 years Registration 9:30 to 10 a.m. only (NO TRUCKS) PRIZES WILL BE AWARDED All Ages Learn To Drive A Tractor lce Cream Making Full Hook-up Camping First Come First Serve Registration & weigh in will begin at 2:00 p.m. (No stroked in stock class) Information-Phone 507-828-9130 Craft & Flea Market Info: Laurie 507-768-3522 Food available on grounds LOCATED ON THE GROUNDS OF MINNESOTA'S MACHINERY MUSEUM 8 miles south of Prairie's Edge Casino Resort, Granite Falls, MN on Hwy 23 or 20 miles north of Marshall on Hwy 23 Mon. Sat. 10 a.m. 4 p.m Sun. 1 4:30 p.m Closed Holidays Inside & Outside space available Special Appearance by ALL EXHIBITORS -Golf Carts- Show Info: Curt 507-828-5437 or Jeff 507-530-6470 Ole & Lena ENTER AT SOUTH GATE ONLY Cur1507828507.530-6470Need -GanCapPerm mmmachine07-768-3522 ng & Proo of Insurance &Proot of Insurance