"Thank you to all of oun hand wonking teachens at BOLD Public School! We appneciate all you have done and ane doing eveny day to be the best teachens you can be! This past yean has been esypecially difficult and youn extna effonts have been much appneciated!" BOLD SCHOOLS 320-523-1031 www.bold.k12.mn.us Now Hiring 17.00 "Thank you to all of oun hand wonking teachens at BOLD Public School! We appneciate all you have done and ane doing eveny day to be the best teachens you can be! This past yean has been esypecially difficult and youn extna effonts have been much appneciated!" BOLD SCHOOLS 320-523-1031 www.bold.k12.mn.us Now Hiring 17.00