Take Root in Soil Health Wednesday, August 28, 6pm - 8 pm At the Renville SWCD test plots located roughly a quarter mile east of the intersection of County Road 10 and County Road 11 in Renville County on the South side of road. Scan for directions Bring the whole family for: Different tillage and reduce tillage techniques, multiple seeding/termination date demonstration plots Rainfall simulator demonstration Free Root Beer Floats while supplies lasts! Courtesy of the Chippewa County SWCD, Hawk Creek Watershed Project, Kandiyohi County SWCD, Renville County SWCD, Clean Water Legacy Act and National Wildlife Federation. For additional details or questions call 320-523-1559 or visit www.renvilleswcd.com Take Root in Soil Health Wednesday , August 28 , 6pm - 8 pm At the Renville SWCD test plots located roughly a quarter mile east of the intersection of County Road 10 and County Road 11 in Renville County on the South side of road . Scan for directions Bring the whole family for : Different tillage and reduce tillage techniques , multiple seeding / termination date demonstration plots Rainfall simulator demonstration Free Root Beer Floats while supplies lasts ! Courtesy of the Chippewa County SWCD , Hawk Creek Watershed Project , Kandiyohi County SWCD , Renville County SWCD , Clean Water Legacy Act and National Wildlife Federation . For additional details or questions call 320-523-1559 or visit www.renvilleswcd.com