October is National Bullying Prevention Month Let's make this a buly-free community Cyberbullying and the importance of online safety Technology offers society many benefits and 3.Don't reveal anything online that you advantages, but it also comes with its fair share of risks. The web has become a place where people can post, share and like images and comments intended to hurt or embarrass 4 Always be wary of who you're talking to their peers. Ridiculing someone.in online fo- rums is today's equivalent of scribbling mean comments on bathroom stalls. The former, 5 however, involves a much larger-if not unli mited- audience. wouldn't tell a stranger. Sharing too many personal details could come back to haunt you online. You never know who Is on the other end of a virtual conversation Never share or "like" a compromising post about another person. Instead, be part of the solution and bring the issue to a pa rent or teacher's attention With the rapid advancement of technology. parents need to learn how to protect their children from cyberbullying. Using the web. cellphones or other electronic devices to send threats or spread hate speech about a person is a very serious matter, Unlike tradi- tional forms of intimidation, cyberbullying: .Extends to the home Is much more public Is more difficult to prosecute (as perpetrators can remain anonymous) Facilitates cruelty in the absence of face-to-face interactions Whether done in person or via online channels bullying can destroy someone's self-esteem and make school or social activities an endu- ring nightmare. Debunking myths about bullying to better prevent it Bullying behavior is complex. It can happen BULLYING BUILDS in person, online or via electronic devices, STRENGTH OF CHARACTER and can be verbal, emotional, physical or sexual in nature. October is National Bullying ying forces kids to toughen up. In reality. Prevention Month in the United States. Sponsored by PACER's National Bullying aggression are at increased risk for depres- Prevention Center, this nationwide cam sion, anxiety and other forms of mental scar paign aims to unite communities across the ring country to educate and raise awareness about bullying prevention. However, in order Bullying is not a rite of passage. National Bul- to act against this harmful practice, we must lying Prevention Month encourages Ame- first debunk common misperceptions about ricans from coast to coast and builying culture. FALSE. Many people naively believe that bul children who experience verbal or physical Do you worry about your child's activities in the online world? Teaching youth about the importance of mobile and online safety is an essential part of bullying prevention. Instead of revoking access to technology. talk to your children about these five cyber safety rules 1. Keep social media accounts private and do not "friend people you don't know. 2.Never share your account passwords with anyone, including your best friend. denounce culture. This October, answer the na- beyond bullying to Cyberbullies toke advantoge of foceless commu nications to text, post or send inappropriate images or comments intended to hurt another person BULLYING IS EASY TO RECOGNIZE. FALSE. Harmful bullying can occur under the tionwide call to action! For more infor- radar. Unlike pushing. kicking and brawling. mation on how you can get involved non-physical acts of bullying like malicious visit www.pacer.org/bullying. gossip, social manipulation or sexually charged comments can be difficult for the casual observer to detect According to a 2016 report by the United States National Center for Education, one out of every five students reports being bullied. KIDS ARE ONLY TEASING FALSE, If the action causes someone harm, t's not a laughing matter. Teasing, even if in tended as a fighthearted joke, can lower a child's self-esteem and cause significant emotio nal damage Renville County West Public Schools ONLY BOYS BULLY FALSE, Girls often resort to covert bulying tac tics Whle thoy don't physicaly bully targets as often as thee male counterparts, they typl cally angage in social forms of intimidation Eke spreading umors br purposely leaving somepne out of social circles 301 NE 3rd St., Renville, MN (320) 329-8368 www.rcw.k12.com RCW JAGUARS October is National Bullying Prevention Month Let's make this a buly-free community Cyberbullying and the importance of online safety Technology offers society many benefits and 3.Don't reveal anything online that you advantages, but it also comes with its fair share of risks. The web has become a place where people can post, share and like images and comments intended to hurt or embarrass 4 Always be wary of who you're talking to their peers. Ridiculing someone.in online fo- rums is today's equivalent of scribbling mean comments on bathroom stalls. The former, 5 however, involves a much larger-if not unli mited- audience. wouldn't tell a stranger. Sharing too many personal details could come back to haunt you online. You never know who Is on the other end of a virtual conversation Never share or "like" a compromising post about another person. Instead, be part of the solution and bring the issue to a pa rent or teacher's attention With the rapid advancement of technology. parents need to learn how to protect their children from cyberbullying. Using the web. cellphones or other electronic devices to send threats or spread hate speech about a person is a very serious matter, Unlike tradi- tional forms of intimidation, cyberbullying: .Extends to the home Is much more public Is more difficult to prosecute (as perpetrators can remain anonymous) Facilitates cruelty in the absence of face-to-face interactions Whether done in person or via online channels bullying can destroy someone's self-esteem and make school or social activities an endu- ring nightmare. Debunking myths about bullying to better prevent it Bullying behavior is complex. It can happen BULLYING BUILDS in person, online or via electronic devices, STRENGTH OF CHARACTER and can be verbal, emotional, physical or sexual in nature. October is National Bullying ying forces kids to toughen up. In reality. Prevention Month in the United States. Sponsored by PACER's National Bullying aggression are at increased risk for depres- Prevention Center, this nationwide cam sion, anxiety and other forms of mental scar paign aims to unite communities across the ring country to educate and raise awareness about bullying prevention. However, in order Bullying is not a rite of passage. National Bul- to act against this harmful practice, we must lying Prevention Month encourages Ame- first debunk common misperceptions about ricans from coast to coast and builying culture. FALSE. Many people naively believe that bul children who experience verbal or physical Do you worry about your child's activities in the online world? Teaching youth about the importance of mobile and online safety is an essential part of bullying prevention. Instead of revoking access to technology. talk to your children about these five cyber safety rules 1. Keep social media accounts private and do not "friend people you don't know. 2.Never share your account passwords with anyone, including your best friend. denounce culture. This October, answer the na- beyond bullying to Cyberbullies toke advantoge of foceless commu nications to text, post or send inappropriate images or comments intended to hurt another person BULLYING IS EASY TO RECOGNIZE. FALSE. Harmful bullying can occur under the tionwide call to action! For more infor- radar. Unlike pushing. kicking and brawling. mation on how you can get involved non-physical acts of bullying like malicious visit www.pacer.org/bullying. gossip, social manipulation or sexually charged comments can be difficult for the casual observer to detect According to a 2016 report by the United States National Center for Education, one out of every five students reports being bullied. KIDS ARE ONLY TEASING FALSE, If the action causes someone harm, t's not a laughing matter. Teasing, even if in tended as a fighthearted joke, can lower a child's self-esteem and cause significant emotio nal damage Renville County West Public Schools ONLY BOYS BULLY FALSE, Girls often resort to covert bulying tac tics Whle thoy don't physicaly bully targets as often as thee male counterparts, they typl cally angage in social forms of intimidation Eke spreading umors br purposely leaving somepne out of social circles 301 NE 3rd St., Renville, MN (320) 329-8368 www.rcw.k12.com RCW JAGUARS