ANFINSON THOMPSON FINANCIAL SERVICES- Wilmor Ofice (320) 214.7837 CONFIDENCE IN YOUR FUTURE Whether you are a current or prospective client, rest assured that individuals and businesses who choose Anfinson Thompson Financial Services receive competent and timely advice. KNOWLEDGEABLE PROFESSIONALS Our dedication to high standards, hiring of seasoned financial professionals, and work ethic is the reason our client base returns WORK WITH A TEAM THAT CARES ABOUT YOU year after year. By combining our experience and the team mentality of our staff, we assure that every client receives the close analysis and attention they deserve. MEET WITH AN ADVISOR TODAY IN WILLMAR Investment odviser representotive ond registered represertotive of, ond secutes ond investment odvisory services ofleved thvough Voyo Finonciel Advisos, Inc. Menber SIPC Please log on to or for informotion negording ofher producth offered by Voya Finonciol Advison, Ine Not oll producs ovoiloble in oll locofions Antnson Thompson Financial Services is not o ubsidiory of nor controlled by Voyo Ffinoncial Advisors Alinson Thompson Finoncial Services hos been nomed runner up in the "Best Finonciol Advison" cotegory of the 2020 West Central Tribune Best of the Best Awords. This oword is not representotive of octul dientesperiences or outcomes, end is not indicotive of ony post, present or future investment performonce For complete information regording the criterio for selecting oword winnern, please nefer to this publicotion ond/or the oword webaite. CN1314390 0821 ANFINSON THOMPSON FINANCIAL SERVICES- Wilmor Ofice (320) 214.7837 CONFIDENCE IN YOUR FUTURE Whether you are a current or prospective client, rest assured that individuals and businesses who choose Anfinson Thompson Financial Services receive competent and timely advice. KNOWLEDGEABLE PROFESSIONALS Our dedication to high standards, hiring of seasoned financial professionals, and work ethic is the reason our client base returns WORK WITH A TEAM THAT CARES ABOUT YOU year after year. By combining our experience and the team mentality of our staff, we assure that every client receives the close analysis and attention they deserve. MEET WITH AN ADVISOR TODAY IN WILLMAR Investment odviser representotive ond registered represertotive of, ond secutes ond investment odvisory services ofleved thvough Voyo Finonciel Advisos, Inc. Menber SIPC Please log on to or for informotion negording ofher producth offered by Voya Finonciol Advison, Ine Not oll producs ovoiloble in oll locofions Antnson Thompson Financial Services is not o ubsidiory of nor controlled by Voyo Ffinoncial Advisors Alinson Thompson Finoncial Services hos been nomed runner up in the "Best Finonciol Advison" cotegory of the 2020 West Central Tribune Best of the Best Awords. This oword is not representotive of octul dientesperiences or outcomes, end is not indicotive of ony post, present or future investment performonce For complete information regording the criterio for selecting oword winnern, please nefer to this publicotion ond/or the oword webaite. CN1314390 0821