Coming Soon - Kandiyohi County Farmland Auction Live Auction with an Online Bidding Option 113.91+/-Deeded Acres in Roseland Twp 113.91+/- Acres in the NW 1/4 of Section 15, Twp 117 (Roseland), Range 35. Trapp Family, Owners Watch for auction date & more details to be announced soon. For more information contact Kristine at 320-212-9379 or or Glen Fladeboe at 651-208-3262 FLADEBOE LAND Dale Fladeboe at 320-894-9392 Coming Soon - Kandiyohi County Farmland Auction Live Auction with an Online Bidding Option 113.91 +/- Deeded Acres in Roseland Twp 113.91 +/- Acres in the NW 1/4 of Section 15 , Twp 117 ( Roseland ) , Range 35 . Trapp Family , Owners Watch for auction date & more details to be announced soon . For more information contact Kristine at 320-212-9379 or or Glen Fladeboe at 651-208-3262 FLADEBOE LAND Dale Fladeboe at 320-894-9392