FLADEBOE LAND Farmland Professionals Since 1978 Wishing You God's Blessings, Peace and Joy! The Fladeboe Land Team - Front row: Vicki Davis, Grace Fladeboe, Dale Fladeboe, Kristine Fladeboe Duininck, Erica Fernholz; Back row: Carl Myers, Greg Thomas, Glen Fladeboe, Patti Cluka, and Brian Fernholz "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men." * - Luke 2:14 29 FLADEBOE LAND Farmland Professionals Since 1978 Wishing You God's Blessings , Peace and Joy ! The Fladeboe Land Team - Front row : Vicki Davis , Grace Fladeboe , Dale Fladeboe , Kristine Fladeboe Duininck , Erica Fernholz ; Back row : Carl Myers , Greg Thomas , Glen Fladeboe , Patti Cluka , and Brian Fernholz " Glory to God in the highest , and on earth peace , good will toward men . " * - Luke 2:14 29