As part of the Diocese of New Ulm's Plan for Parishes the Church of St. Mary of Willmar, the Church of St. Patrick of Kandiyohi, the Church of St. Thomas More of Lake Lillian and the Church of Our Lady of the Lakes of Spicer form an area faith community to collaborate in the mission of proclaiming and sharing our faith in Jesus Christ.
The process of forming the area faith community began with joint meetings of parish pastoral councils. These meetings shaped goals in these four areas of ministry: word, worship, service and stewardship. The plans shaped in these meetings led to the formation of an Area Pastoral Council in May 2006. The council is made up of three representatives from each of the parishes in the area faith community and the pastoral leaders from each of the parishes. With the establishment of the Area Pastoral Council as the principal focus for consultation on the pastoral direction of the area faith community, parish pastoral councils and parish finance councils were transformed into parish administrative councils which deal with parish concerns.
To organize and promote the ministry of the area faith community four committees have been formed corresponding to the four sets of goals, word, worship, service and stewardship.