OUeMILLS! SAVE BIG WITHTOYOTA! COROLLA 2020 OTA LEASE FOR $263 SE FWD PER MONTH! $0 DUE AT SIGNING 36 MONTHS 12,000 MILES PER YEAR MILLS. TOYOTA Stock 4T200003 1 $263 a month for 36 months with $0 due at signing, which includes tirst month's payment, $0 down payment, $0 security deposit and $650 acquisiton fee. Lease 36 Months, 12k Mles Per Year Does not include Tax, Title, License and $100.00 Doc Fee Due. Does not include insurance. Security Deposit Waived. Offer Based On Approved Credit Through TFS. Model:1864 MSRP: $23,339- Offer Ends T31/19 2019 TOYOTA LEASE FOR $311 :$522 2019 CAMRY 2019 T RAV4 HIGHLANDER LEASE FOR PER LEASE FOR PER $298 MONTH MONTH SE FWD LE AWD XLE AWD S0 DUE AT SIGNING sO DUE AT SIGNING 36 MONTHS12,000 MILES PER YEAR 3 MONTHS 12,000 MILES PER YEAR PER MONTH! OF SO DUE AT SIGNING 0.9% 60 0.9% 60 24 MONTHS 12,000 MES PER YEAR rOR MONTHS FOR MONTHS Stock# 4T190168| Model: 6953 MSRP: $42,453 Offer Ends 7/31/19 Dos not include Tax, Tile, License and $100.00 Doc Fee Due. Does not include insurance. Secuity Ceposit Waved oner Based On Aproved Credt Throuh TFS Stock 4T1901751 Model: 2546 MSRP: $23,083 Ofer Ends T/31/130 Stock#4T1902121 Model: 4432 MSsRP: $28,264 Ofler Ends 7/31/19 Dees nt i st Wae Offer Baed OnApprved Credit Th nce Security Depost Waived Offer Bned On Approved Cred Through TFS. curity Depos 3700 US HWY 71 SOUTH I WILLMAR, MN (320) 231-1160 | MILLSAUTOCENTER.COM AMILLS. |TOYOTA OUeMILLS! SAVE BIG WITHTOYOTA! COROLLA 2020 OTA LEASE FOR $263 SE FWD PER MONTH! $0 DUE AT SIGNING 36 MONTHS 12,000 MILES PER YEAR MILLS. TOYOTA Stock 4T200003 1 $263 a month for 36 months with $0 due at signing, which includes tirst month's payment, $0 down payment, $0 security deposit and $650 acquisiton fee. Lease 36 Months, 12k Mles Per Year Does not include Tax, Title, License and $100.00 Doc Fee Due. Does not include insurance. Security Deposit Waived. Offer Based On Approved Credit Through TFS. Model:1864 MSRP: $23,339- Offer Ends T31/19 2019 TOYOTA LEASE FOR $311 :$522 2019 CAMRY 2019 T RAV4 HIGHLANDER LEASE FOR PER LEASE FOR PER $298 MONTH MONTH SE FWD LE AWD XLE AWD S0 DUE AT SIGNING sO DUE AT SIGNING 36 MONTHS12,000 MILES PER YEAR 3 MONTHS 12,000 MILES PER YEAR PER MONTH! OF SO DUE AT SIGNING 0.9% 60 0.9% 60 24 MONTHS 12,000 MES PER YEAR rOR MONTHS FOR MONTHS Stock# 4T190168| Model: 6953 MSRP: $42,453 Offer Ends 7/31/19 Dos not include Tax, Tile, License and $100.00 Doc Fee Due. Does not include insurance. Secuity Ceposit Waved oner Based On Aproved Credt Throuh TFS Stock 4T1901751 Model: 2546 MSRP: $23,083 Ofer Ends T/31/130 Stock#4T1902121 Model: 4432 MSsRP: $28,264 Ofler Ends 7/31/19 Dees nt i st Wae Offer Baed OnApprved Credit Th nce Security Depost Waived Offer Bned On Approved Cred Through TFS. curity Depos 3700 US HWY 71 SOUTH I WILLMAR, MN (320) 231-1160 | MILLSAUTOCENTER.COM AMILLS. |TOYOTA