FO Will WILLMAR FESTS Jennie 102 WEDNESDAY, JUNE 21 10:00 am Coffee with the Candidates at The Goodness Coffee House Kiwanis Kids Day at Rice Park 2:00 pm - Live Entertainment & Float So cial at the Willmar Community Center 4:00 pm- -6.00pm-Kids Activities Inflatables, read with the Royalty and Wilmar Fests Candidates, face paint- ing, crafts with Mainstreet Willmar fee food w while supplies last with Cash Wise and the Kandiyohi County Dairy Association 5:00 pm -LIVE Music with the Jolly Pops 6:00 pm - Pie & Ice Cream Social at Rice Park, sponsored by Mills Automotive Group 6:00 pm - Willmar Fests Junior Corona- tion-New Night and Location 6:30 pm - Kiddie Parade around Rice Park -New Night and Location 7:00 pm- -Prairie Winds Summer Band Concert at Rice Park West Central Connection Chorus at 7:00 pm -Prairie Winds Summer Band at 7:30 pm 2023 Willmar Fests Schedule JUNE 21-25, 2023 - SUBJECT TO CHANGE - THURSDAY, JUNE 22 10:00 am - Royal Storytime at Miller Park Willmar Fests Block Party-Kickoff at 5th & Becker Ave with Q102 5:00 pm - Food Trucks, Various Vendors, Kids Activities and More - Meet the Willmar Fests Queen Candi- dates cakes -Home Depot Kids Workshop Bean Bag Toss and Games -NinjaAnywhere from 5:00 pm to 8:00 Willmar Fests SALUTES our 2023 PRESENTING SPONSORS! pm -Dunk Tank benefiting Hope for Our City starting at 5:00 pm -Kids Fun Run with Miles 4 Mentors at 5:30 pm -The Dam Jammers on the Block Party Stage at 6:00 pm CITY OF Willmar -Willmar Fests: Fitness Relay from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm Fireman's Challenge starting at 6:30 pm FRIDAY, JUNE 23 7:30 am-Willmar Fests Chamber Con nection at Heritage Bank 1:00 pm-Appreciation Day Dance at the Willmar Community Center 102 MOREMUSICMOREVARIETY 5:00 pm - Royalty Ride with BikeWillmar and Willmar Bikes 7:05 pm-Willmar Stingers Baseball Baker Field at Bil Taunton Stadium SATURDAY, JUNE 24 7:00 am - 1:00 pm - Willmar Fire Depart- ment Pancake Feed-Willmar Fire Sta- tion 8:00 am - Foot Lake 4 Walk/Run-On The Run MN 10:30 a am-Grande Day Parade - Down- town 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm - Wilmar Fests Am- bassador Coronation at Willmar Edu- cation and Arts Center Willmar Fests Beach Party at Robbins Island Regional Park 7:30 pm- The Little Crow Ski Show 8.30 pm-Beach Party Concert with Ra dio Nation 10:00 pm-0102 Lakeland Broadcast- ing's "Works Over Water Fireworks Show More music after the Fireworks with Ra dio Nation SUNDAY, JUNE 25 RAIN Backup Plan-7:30 pm "The Little Crow Ski Show-Robbins Island RAIN Backup Plan-10:00 pm "Works Over Water Fireworks Show-Foot Lake Schedule subject to change-check will- for the latest DK Schleg WILLMAN FO Will WILLMAR FESTS Jennie 102 WEDNESDAY , JUNE 21 10:00 am Coffee with the Candidates at The Goodness Coffee House Kiwanis Kids Day at Rice Park 2:00 pm - Live Entertainment & Float So cial at the Willmar Community Center 4:00 pm -6.00pm - Kids Activities Inflatables , read with the Royalty and Wilmar Fests Candidates , face paint ing , crafts with Mainstreet Willmar fee food w while supplies last with Cash Wise and the Kandiyohi County Dairy Association 5:00 pm -LIVE Music with the Jolly Pops 6:00 pm - Pie & Ice Cream Social at Rice Park , sponsored by Mills Automotive Group 6:00 pm - Willmar Fests Junior Corona tion - New Night and Location 6:30 pm - Kiddie Parade around Rice Park -New Night and Location 7:00 pm -Prairie Winds Summer Band Concert at Rice Park West Central Connection Chorus at 7:00 pm -Prairie Winds Summer Band at 7:30 pm 2023 Willmar Fests Schedule JUNE 21-25 , 2023 - SUBJECT TO CHANGE - THURSDAY , JUNE 22 10:00 am - Royal Storytime at Miller Park Willmar Fests Block Party - Kickoff at 5th & Becker Ave with Q102 5:00 pm - Food Trucks , Various Vendors , Kids Activities and More - Meet the Willmar Fests Queen Candi dates cakes -Home Depot Kids Workshop Bean Bag Toss and Games -NinjaAnywhere from 5:00 pm to 8:00 Willmar Fests SALUTES our 2023 PRESENTING SPONSORS ! pm -Dunk Tank benefiting Hope for Our City starting at 5:00 pm -Kids Fun Run with Miles 4 Mentors at 5:30 pm -The Dam Jammers on the Block Party Stage at 6:00 pm CITY OF Willmar -Willmar Fests : Fitness Relay from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm Fireman's Challenge starting at 6:30 pm FRIDAY , JUNE 23 7:30 am - Willmar Fests Chamber Con nection at Heritage Bank 1:00 pm - Appreciation Day Dance at the Willmar Community Center 102 MOREMUSICMOREVARIETY 5:00 pm - Royalty Ride with BikeWillmar and Willmar Bikes 7:05 pm - Willmar Stingers Baseball Baker Field at Bil Taunton Stadium SATURDAY , JUNE 24 7:00 am - 1:00 pm - Willmar Fire Depart ment Pancake Feed - Willmar Fire Sta tion 8:00 am - Foot Lake 4 Walk / Run - On The Run MN 10:30 a am - Grande Day Parade - Down town 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm - Wilmar Fests Am bassador Coronation at Willmar Edu cation and Arts Center Willmar Fests Beach Party at Robbins Island Regional Park 7:30 pm- The Little Crow Ski Show 8.30 pm - Beach Party Concert with Ra dio Nation 10:00 pm - 0102 Lakeland Broadcast ing's " Works Over Water Fireworks Show More music after the Fireworks with Ra dio Nation SUNDAY , JUNE 25 RAIN Backup Plan - 7 : 30 pm " The Little Crow Ski Show - Robbins Island RAIN Backup Plan - 10 : 00 pm " Works Over Water Fireworks Show - Foot Lake Schedule subject to change - check will for the latest DK Schleg WILLMAN